Choosing the right screen printing press for your business can be difficult, especially if you don’t know exactly where your business stands. There are several factors to consider before purchasing the best automatic press for your business’s current and future needs. The main reason to switch to an automatic or electric screen printing Machine is if you’re struggling to meet your customers’ demands with a manual machine. If you know consistent business opportunities exist in your area, but you can’t print fast enough to take advantage of them, it might be time to upgrade to an automatic
Probably you want to start your business with the automatic screen printing machine. You can choose your press among different configurations of the automatic press. But electric power is the main fact that can give significant advantages in three major areas of your screen printing press. In your company, you have to print different colors and sizes of designs. At the same time, you need to consider the power that will run your press.
The power works through the automatic screen printing press in three significant ways. If you can use them properly, you can benefit from them.
- The rotation of the carousel or indexing is the first way that helps the t-shirt to move from one head to another.
- Lifting the carousel helps the pallets to take upper and lower.
- Processing power through the print head of an automatic press is the third way.
Electricity and air (pneumatics) are the two most common powering systems on automatic screen printing equipment. Here you will get the elaboration about the effect of air and electricity on the above three ways.
Rotation of the Carousel or Indexing to Keep Your Screen Printing Machine Spinning Properly:
To move or transfer your t-shirts from head to head, you have to depend on the servo or the pneumatic, electric motors. You can get a different benefit from the electric motors. On the other hand, you can hardly decelerate or accelerate the indexing of pneumatic, electric motors. Only the hydraulic shock absorber can slow down the pneumatic indexer, but this slowdown can create vibration. Thus your registration can be affected, and can be damaged your printing quality.
You can rely on the servo indexer. It gives you much control over the movement of the carousel of your screen printing press. Electric motors don’t create a vibrating problem and are easy to control. A servo indexer is not only smoother but also doesn’t provide extra air pressure due to leaks or degradation. Thus you don’t need to replace the airlines ever. So, buy an electric screen printing machine that includes the servo indexer. It increases your printing quality and decreases the maintenance cost.
Lifting the carousel vertically.
The carousel lifting is such a place where the electric power difference happens. For a pneumatic lift, a printer will not be able to control the quickness of vertical motion between the pallets. The pneumatic lift gives the same result as the pneumatic indexer. It creates a vibration of the screen. Finally, it provides you with low-quality print. On the other hand, a servo motor lift helps to remove the rough movement and variable pressure. At the same time, the servo lift makes your screen printing equipment easier to handle tight registration.
For the off-contact distance, the electric power is an essential fact for the lifting of the carousel. The off-contract setting may differ for various printing layers. For the thick screen like sweatshirts, you must keep more off-contact distance than normal t-shirts. The proper adjustment of the off-contract distance can give you a good print.
Those who use the pneumatic press must set up the off-contact by crawling under the printing press. But you will get a fantastic result if you buy an electric screen printing machine having digital off-contact. You might benefit from screen touch to adjust off-contact easily and much greater range in the digital press. You can use as much as the degree you need and as exact as a thousand of an inch.
Power through the Print Head of an Automatic or Electric Screen Printing Machine
Power in the print head is provided with three different motions, either by the air or electricity. They are the vertical movement of the squeegee, the horizontal movement of the print carriage stroke, and the action of the clamps, flood bar, and screen.
The chopper mechanism or levers drive the vertical motion of the squeegee and flood bar. In the pneumatic press, air moves the chopper and creates uneven pressure. Thus, your printing quality becomes low and can damage your screen. As electric choppers aren’t difficult to adjust, they revolve around all your tension and give you safety and reliability.
It is more beneficial to use electric print carriages to move horizontal stroke carriages to get more print consistency than pneumatic press. The electric print carriage gives you faster and smoother printing than the pneumatic because it will not produce unexpected air pressure in the cylinder.
The 3rd way for the print head that may need power is the clamps holding the squeegee, screen, and flood bar. In the screen printing press, many printers use air, but the airlines can wear out because of the extra movement of the squeegee and flood bar. On the other hand, heat damage from flash curing is vulnerable when you use the tubing. You better use the mechanical clamps instead of the pneumatic as a good alternative. Neither the air source nor the tubing is susceptible to wear and tear required for the mechanical clamps. It is less costly, gives steady pressure, and it saves your time from repairing.
While looking for an automatic screen printing machine for your business, try to get a press with an all-electric power system that can give you efficiency, reliability, and accuracy.
Read more: How to Choose the Perfect Air Compressor.
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